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Airox Oxygen Machine- Airox Technologies

The Lifesaving Power of AirSep PSA Medical Oxygen Systems

Hospitals and medical facilities throughout the globe are suffering from oxygen shortages and medical experts are united in their desire to ensure a reliable oxygen source is always accessible to meet the ongoing demands of patients who are battling serious respiratory issues – particularly those who are battling health complications from the novel coronavirus, COVID-19.

With over 34 years of industry experience, AirSep Corporation, a division of CAIRE Inc., offers first-rate oxygen solutions to solve today’s oxygen supply challenges. AirSep PSA Medical Oxygen Systems produce oxygen on demand, reliably, 24/7.

AirSep distributorPROSERTEC Ingeneria, based in Bolivia, worked closely with a private industrial company associated with the beverage sector, Cervecería Boliviana Nacional (CBN) to install two AirSep Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) Medical Oxygen Systems for hospitals in the central city of Cochabamba and the city of Pando this past month in an effort to help support patients and healthcare workers impacted by the pandemic.

In addition to this major gift, CBN has made donations of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) supplies, respirators, vaccines, as well as food to local communities. Working closely with the National Bolivian Brewery, the Ministry of Health and the subnational governments the company received the assistance it needed in advancing the start-up operation process in order to meet the recent high demand of oxygen required by patients suffering from COVID-19.

Through the newly-installed system, oxygen is continuously distributed through the hospital pipeline and can be utilized to fill cylinders in support of other nearby medical centers facing a shortage. Oxygen cylinders can be filled simultaneously or during hours with low consumption. The AS-K900-HMFM AirSep PSA Medical Oxygen Filling System can generate a volume equivalent of 95 cylinders of 6 cubic meters per day of medical oxygen; and it is equipped with a Simplex cylinder compression and filling system with a capacity to fill up to 60 cylinders of 6 cubic meters of oxygen a day. Following the first oxygen system’s successful installation, the second AirSep PSA Medical Oxygen Filling System – the AS-G320-HMFL – was purchased for a hospital in Pando and will be installed and started-up in next couple of weeks.

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